In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about ZULU JEWELRY MEANING. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.
The style and creativity that is expressed in every single creation that comes from the Zulu beadwork, just by wearing it, men and women wear the beads not only as fashionable jewelry, but as a way to express feelings and sending messages to one another.
Zulu words for jewelry include amatshe ayigugu okuhloba, amagugu, ubucwebecwebe and iziqhano zokuhloba. Find more Zulu words at!
Sep 11, 2020 · Zulu Bead Jewelry Positive Meanings of Colors. green – contentment, bliss; blue – faithfulness; red – strong emotion; black – marriage; white – love; yellow – wealth; pink – adds emphasis to a promise; Zulu Bead Jewelry Negative Meanings of Colors. green – illness; blue – hostility, ill feelings; red – anger, impatienceEstimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Though there is a code to color beads with specific meanings, there also are varying meanings with subtler versions of colors and color patterns. Again, there are two meanings to colors, a positive and a negative. Zulu Bead Jewelry Positive Meanings of Colors green - contentment, bliss; grass, cattle, earth
The Zulu’s only use one geometric shape in their beading and jewellery work – the triangle. Those who have studied the craft say that this is a representation of the father, mother and child unit. Here is what the triangles on the jewellery mean: A triangle pointing down represents an unmarried woman.Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Jan 15, 2016 · Zulu Bead Jewelry. Zulu bead jewelry (often referred to as trade beads) is not only beautiful but is also rich in tradition and cultural meaning. The hand made bead work is sold to tourist as gifts, and is an important income source for the Zulu people. Many of the tribes offer this type of African jewelry for sale for women and for men. People who buy this type of jewelry are usually not aware of …
Zulu beadwork is not only beautiful, but is also rich in tradition and cultural meaning. What makes this intricate craft and art unique is the use of decorative geometrical designs, particularly the triangle, and colors to convey a message. Each of the seven colors can be used to convey a negative or a positive meaning.
It is unthinkable that it should be fashioned in black, with a tassel of beads in a pale yellow known in ZULU known as UTHUVI BENKONYANE ("excerta of a calf"), polite alternative to the cruder four letter word commonly known), but just such an object was taken by a group of young females, one of whom had been jilted, to the village of the culprit.
ON SALE African Masai Necklace, Jewelry set for women, African Bracelet and Necklace, Zulu Jewelry Set, African Jewelry, Kenyan Jewelry set TruAfricana 5 out of 5 stars (245) Sale Price $8.50 $ 8.50 $ 10.00 Original Price $10.00" (15% off ...
Apr 30, 2020 · When strung with black beads, a Zulu bracelet's meaning relates to age and wisdom. Beads can also convey identity and cultural significance. For example, beads on an African necklace can show if a woman is married or a man is a warrior or an elder. Beads also signify a person's rank.
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