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Waxing Poetic (Pagliei) 28" GOLDEN INTERVAL PAPER CLIP CHAIN. Regular price $198.00. /. Fancily coiled cords of sterling silver embody the greater part of this chain, with a dashing brass highlight interjecting at every seventh interval. A masterwork of handspun personality, this mixed metal chain is the ideal balance between finesse and flair, pattern and spontaneity.
CEO Founder Creative Director. Patti Pagliei Simpson is Waxing Poetic’s founder, CEO, and Creative Director. To some of us, she is also our daughter, sister, wife, mother, heroine, boss, mentor, and beloved friend. Patti grew up enveloped by love – and boisterous, joyful Italian-Americans. Imagine life as theatre as family, and you might get something close to an idea.
Waxing Poetic jewelry is designed by Patti Pagliei Simpson, and fabricated by an incredible batch of Balinese craftspersons. In Patti's own words, "These incredible people devote themselves and their lives to beauty, both in action and intent. Somehow we were blessed to have them join forces with us. Our Bali artisans are paid several times more than minimum wage, and treated with respect, dignity, and most …
$88 Waxing Poetic jewelry, charms, objects, candles, housewares, and general amusements come to you from Carpinteria, California, by way of designer Patti Pagliei Simpson, her intimate coterie of friends and family (sisters in particular): like-minded artists, dreamers, adventurers, and raconteurs.
ABOUT WAXING POETIC Waxing Poetic jewelry and charms come to you from Carpinteria, California, by way of designer Patti Pagliei Simpson, her intimate coterie of friends and family (sisters in particular): like-minded artists, dreamers, adventurers, and raconteurs. We make things we …
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