In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about VICTOR JEWELRY TORCH. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.
Enter the ESAB Rulers of the Flame sweepstakes today for a chance to win a Victor Performer EDGE 2.0 Outfit (oxy-acetylene torch kit). Share your best work with Victor gas equipment on social media using #rulersoftheflame or through our on-page form.
Welder Supply offers top-rated Victor torches for sale online. Our selection includes cutting torches, gas welding torches, propylene torches and TIG welding torches. Shop Welder Supply for unbeatable deals on Victor welding torches.
These jewelry tools are handy for any jeweler who works on repairing jewelry and needs a torch. Jeweler’s torches are specifically design for precious metals soldering, fabrication, and repair. The jeweler’s torch is designed to work on small parts but is very powerful and can reach temperatures hot enough to melt steel.
1 Answer. Smith Little Torch Jeweler's Torch Outfit 23-1001D welds an unlimited range of materials, brazes and solders the tiniest elements with ease, yet produces enough heat to weld steel up to 1/8" thick or melt 3 oz. of silver. As far as the cylinders, the kit is suitable for all fuel gases and oxygen.
Jul 08, 2018 · ACETYLENE/AIR TORCH. This is a super common torch used for jewelry making that consists of a single tank (acetylene b tank) filled with acetylene gas that mixes with air at the torch head. PROS: Tanks can be easily obtained at plumbing supply stores. You can purchase a variety of torch tips, which allow you to solder small pieces and large pieces.
Mar 18, 2015 · More Advice on Jewelry Torches. If you are new to soldering, definitely give one of the simpler self-igniting torches a try to get the hang of it. Torch comes with the regulators already attached to the hoses and uses 14.1-ounce disposable propane and a 1.1 cu. foot disposable oxygen tank (they are the same size) found at your local hardware store.
You've looked at the most informative VICTOR JEWELRY TORCH links. On our site you can also find a lot of other information related to jewelry.