In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about VBJ JEWELLERS GOLD SCHEME. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.
Installment starts from Rs.2,500,Rs.5,000,Rs.10,000 & Installment upto Rs.25,000. Up to 15% discount on wastage on gold jewellery in 12 months scheme. Up to 19% discount on wastage on gold jewellery in 15 months scheme, this means no wastage on almost all jewellery. Diamond and platinum jewellery can also be bought.
Redemption of this saving scheme can be done after 30 days of payment of last installment. Monthly installment will be accepted at any VBJ showroom as well as through ECS or through our website ( Members are entitled to redeem their gold at any of the VBJ showrooms as gold (jewellery or coins), diamond or platinum jewellery.
VBJ Heirloom Scheme: 12 MONTHS- GOLD SAVINGS SCHEME. The member will be entitled to purchase gold jewellery equivalent to the weight accumulated in their account without value addition up to a maximum of 15%.
Well, we all tend to differentiate gold Jewellery as mere ring, bangle or best gold necklace but when we dig deep, we realize that ethnic South Indian Jewellery is the sum of workmanship i.e. antique jewellery and the temple jewellery workmanship. Many of us tend to sideline the beauty that each of these workmanship layers on our gold jewellery.
Glitter Gold Jewellery Purchase Plan Rs. 5,000/- Glitter by VBC, is an jewellery purchase plan for 11 months exclusively for your next generation. At the completion of the plan, you can buy gold for more than what you pay, because VBC will add a special bonus at the end.
Vummidi Silverware offers an easy and hassle-free way to shop from the comfort. of your home. Your personal silver jewellery store is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! If you are looking for traditional or contemporary silver jewellery, classic business gifts, customized awards and trophies, we have them all!
Jul 30, 2021 · The scheme, which is valid on all kinds of jewellery, offers protection to customers from gold rate fluctuations. Giving more details about the scheme, Ankur Anand, Director, Harsahaimal Shiamalal Jewellers, Lucknow, said, “We launched the scheme after the second lockdown as a lot of the customers have preponed their marriages.
GRT Golden Eleven Flexi Plan is a special scheme that has been exclusively created to help you plan and buy the jewellery that you always wanted to buy. All you have to do is fill in a simple form and join GRT Golden Eleven Flexi Plan. On enrolling, you can select an amount of your choice as monthly advance payment.
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