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Sale: Bulova Curv Chronograph 262 kHz 43mm silver-tone watch. $240 (hayward / castro valley) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. $70. favorite this post. Jul 15.
3.10 Ct. Multi-Color Tourmaline 14kt Rose Gold/Sterling Hoop Earrings. $149 (mission district) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. $55. favorite this post. Jul 12.
SF bay area jewelry "diamond" - craigslist. $4,000. favorite this post.
Diamond Ring, Gold Band, 5 Princess cut Diamonds. $1,600 (fairfield / vacaville) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. $2,500.
Rolex Sea-Dweller Deepsea 116660 - dated 2016. $11,750 (burlingame) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. $4,500. favorite this post. Jul 11.
CARTIER C DECOR PURPLE COMPOSITE EYEGLASSES 100% AUTHENTIC MSRP $1650. $850 (BURBANK CA) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. $200.
SF valley jewelry - by owner - craigslist. $1,100. favorite this post. Jul 11.
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