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Scott Kay Jewelry. Skip to content. Just added to your cart. Qty: View cart () Continue shopping Submit. Close search. The Artistry of Scott Kay; Search Cart. 0 items. The Artistry of Scott Kay; We are working hard to make this website available again very soon. Until then, please visit our Facebook page @scottkayusa. Visit Scott Kay. The ...
For 25 years, Scott Kay has been acclaimed the foremost authority in bridal and fine fashion jewelry. Industry polls confirm Scott Kay is the number one best-selling bridal brand. Credited for the platinum resurgence in America, Scott Kay's platinum artisanship is applied to every metal he designs with, perhaps most evident in the world's largest selection of cuffwear.
When not being worn, store the ring in a safe place like a ring tree or the Scott Kay jewel box it came in, avoiding contact with your other jewelry to prevent nicks and scratches. Consider removing your ring when working with your hands or engaging in activities that could result in ring damage or loss, from housework and food prep to swimming and exercise.
For 25 years, Scott Kay has been acclaimed the foremost authority in bridal and fine fashion jewelry. Industry polls confirm Scott Kay is the number one best-selling bridal brand. Credited for the platinum resurgence in America, Scott Kay's platinum artisanship is applied to every metal he designs with, perhaps most evident in the world's largest selection of cuffwear.
Never compromise. Founded in 1984, Scott Kay has been acclaimed as the foremost authority in bridal and fashion jewelry. By creating a distinctive and artistically designed collection, he established Scott Kay as a coveted brand for bridal rings.
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