In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about RESALE VALUE OF DIAMONDS JEWELLERY. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.
To get a rough idea about the resale value of your diamond, you can multiply the average retail price of a similar stone by 30%-75% to get a rough estimate.
So, to figure out the resale value of your diamond, multiply the average retail price of similar stones by 20%-40% to get an estimate of the amount of money someone would pay to buy the stone.
Therefore, when comparing jewelry appraisal value vs. selling price, you can expect the resale value of your diamond to be significantly less. This perceived loss of value is most apparent with diamonds, which are still sometimes marketed as being a “good investment.”. This is a misleading sales tactic.
The resale value of diamond jewelry depends on the type of diamond and jewelry metal you choose. Make a good research on the purchase value and resale value so you get the proper idea of the quality of diamond jewelry.
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