In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about POWELL HAND PAINTED JEWELRY ARMOIRE. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.
Powell’s Jewelry Armoire collection offers a wide variety to fit any style. You can chose from traditional finishes or intricate hand painting to mirrored fronts or detailed wood carvings. In addition to all of these beautiful styling options you can’t forget the functionality our jewelry armoires offer. The numerous doors and drawer configurations give you a surprising amount of storage ...
price $139.99. $139. . 99. Shop Now. Enjoy the elegance of the Masterpiece Hand-Painted Jewelry Armoire. It's a simple way to organize your jewelry collection. A classic hand-painted design features a floral arrangement on the face and an all-over look of golden antique parchment. The top lid opens to reveal a mirror and jewelry compartment.4.5/5(61)
Powell Hand Painted Jewelry Armoire Powell Hand Painted Jewelry Armoire Item: B600001049. Original Price $649.99 Sale Price $489.99 or $41/mo suggested payments w/ 12 mos special financing Learn How Based on retail price of $489.99 (sales & promotions excluded) Call Store for Availability.
Safely store accessories while creating an elegant room accent with Powell's Masterpiece Aged White jewelry armoire. Featuring hand-carved details on the columns and skirt and a hand-painted vase-and-fern design on the parchment-inspired background, this Victorian-style piece looks as if has been in the family for generations.4.8/5(10)
Safely store accessories while creating an elegant room accent with Powell's Masterpiece Antiqued Parchment jewelry armoire. Hand-carved and hand-painted, this lovely piece features ornate woodwork around the top and base, neoclassic corner columns, and a large floral design blooming from the distressed golden background. ...4.5/5(143)
Antique Parchment Hand painted Jewelry Armoire is hand painted with floral arrangement on the face and hand carved with the look of Golden Antique Parchment. Reveals 2 rows of ring pads and open center section. 3rd through 7th drawers- open -> 2 swing doors with 100% rayon brown lining. Minimal assembly, attach top only.
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