In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about PATRICK GLYNN JEWELLERS LTD. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.
Company Profiles & Financials, D&B Company Profiles: Patrick Glynn Jewellers Ltd (Single location) - 94-96 Middle Abbey St - Dublin - Co Dublin - Ireland - 0353 - …Additional Info: Arnotts Parking First Floor Facility
Patrick Glynn Jewellers Limited was set up on Tuesday the 14th of February 1984. Their current partial address is Dublin, and the company status is Dissolved with the company closing on Tuesday the 19th of November 2013. The company's current directors have been …
PATRICK GLYNN JEWELLERS LIMITED is a PRIVATE LIMITED BY SHARES company based in 94 MIDDLE ABBEY STREET, DUBLIN 2 DUBLIN 2, Ireland, which employs 2 people. The company started trading on the British marketing since 1984-02-14. Company registration number is IE099715.
Patrick Glynn Jewellers has the activity of Fashion,Jewellery,Jewellers,... And is located at 94-96 Middle Abbey St - Dublin Patrick Glynn Jewellers 94-96 Middle Abbey St, Dublin ...
Patrick Glynn Jewellers Limited was set up on Tuesday the 14th of February 1984. Their current partial address is Dublin, and the company status is Dissolved with the company closing on Tuesday the 19th of November 2013. The company's current directors have been …4/5(10)
Patrick Glynn Jewellers Ltd Dublin; beer shop nyc; high end jewelry stores; beautiful diamond engagement ring. voltaire diamonds they do not carry conflict free Colored diamonds are alluring, loving, romantic, as well as all our new designs on top of the ring. Diamonds are so marked up in the U.S. during hard economic behavior Even worse, the ...
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