In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about PARK LANE JEWELRY PARTY INVITATION. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.
Your Park Lane Director will send email invitations with an on-line link to your party. You’ll get free credit for all guests who place orders whether they are in attendance or are absentee guests. How is the jewelry delivered? Glad you asked! Park Lane hostesses never have to sort and package.
There is no set number to invite. Park Lane Directors like to fill their datebooks with a variety of small, medium and large sized parties. You choose which one best suits YOU! (However, the more orders your party generates the more free jewelry you will receive!)
Started in 1955, at a kitchen table, in a 4-room apartment, Park Lane was Shirley and Arthur LeVin’s personal American Dream. For over 6 decades, Park Lane Jewelry has afforded millions of people to reach for and attain their own dreams. Elegant Designer …
Sharing the Opportunity. See as entrepreneurs are inspired by the opportunity of success with Park Lane! Start-Up Kit Options. Quick Start Kit. For only $99.00. Choose $500 worth of jewelry of your choice that best suits your business. View Details. Standard Kit. $1000 value for only $229.00.
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