In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about PAPARAZZI JEWELRY KENTUCKY. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.
List of Consultants in Kentucky that are on my team. You can join under me (Click here), or if you prefer to join under someone close to you join someone on my team below. Does it matter if my sponsor is close? Read what to look for in a sponsor here. Name City Link to …
Both consumers and consultants have found great joy in Paparazzi Jewelry products, as they offer some of the best jewelry pieces in the industry at such low prices. Paparazzi Jewelry offers a wide-selection of products for consultants to sell and consumers to enjoy. Direct Sales Aid Paparazzi Accessories Consultants Kentucky.
Paparazzi, Anchorage, Kentucky. 122 likes · 2 talking about this. welcome to paparazzi consultant priscilla mclarin page priscilla closest. all items are $5 dollars plus shipping.Followers: 128
Tonya's Paparazzi Jewelry & Accessories, Hagerhill, Kentucky. 64 likes. Helping people LOOK & FEEL fabulous for only $5 (plus tax). Guilt free spending so you can fabulous without breaking the bank!Followers: 72
Nikki's Paparazzi Jewelry. 50 likes · 1 talking about this. $5.30 beautiful parazzi jewelry for any occasionFollowers: 50
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