In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about NINA LOUISE JEWELLERY. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.
Check out Ana Luisa’s newest fashion & fine jewelry collections to get a unique, limited-edition jewelry piece. Free shipping & returns, and a 365-days warranty for each product. Order your favorite fashion jewelry piece now.
Nina says ''Creating beautiful handmade pieces that celebrate individuality is so inspiring for me every day. My desire is to design great quality, elegant pieces that look classic with a contemporary edge which can be made wonderfully unique with the beautiful sentiments of personalisation. I'm such a romantic so being able to make things that could make someone feel really loved is a real joy''.
Artist & Illustrator, inspired by hedgerows and fields, gardens and landscapes with their fascinating creatures, beautiful flowers, and tremendous trees. You'll find a small but growing collection of contemporary nature prints including the Animal Pair series featuring Nina's Fox Print, Hare Print & …
Find the perfect handmade gift, vintage & on-trend clothes, unique jewellery, and more… lots more.
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