In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about NATIVE AMERICAN JEWELLERY WHOLESALE. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.
NativeAmericanWholesale Authentic ONLY Native American Turquoise Jewelry with Wholesale Prices Directly From the Navajo, Zuni and Hopi Artists.
Wholesale. First American Traders is one of the largest manufacturing wholesalers in the Native American business. Qualified buyers, will enjoy wholesale discounts on all our products including jewelry, pottery, rugs, dream catchers, and other craft items. Ask about our exclusive wholesale jewelry lines and package deals as well as shop in our private 8,000 sq ft jewelry vault.
Largest Native American Jewelry Wholesaler. We are proud to be the largest Native American jewelry wholesaler and we can only do this because of our exceptional silversmiths and artisans. We got where we are today being a wholesaler that still cares about the quality of their products and with jewelry this is a must. Our Native American artists take time and effort handcrafting each product creating a …
For Thunderbird Supply, your stone and bead, jewelry making suppply store go to or call 1-800-545-7968. Since 1974, Thunderbird Jewelry Co. has been serving the wholesale Native American ("Indian") jewelry and crafts industry. Thunderbird Jewelry Co. sells product which is crafted by Navajo, Zuni and local Pueblo Native Americans.
Shop our beautiful wholesale turquoise jewelry inspired by both Native American and western culture. Find Navajo earrings, necklaces and bracelet sets to supply your boutique. Order Native American jewelry …4.9/5(5.1K)
Gallup, New Mexico (505) 863-6504 Since 1960, Turney’s Trading Company, in Gallup, NM, has specialized in quality, handmade Native American Indian jewelry, pottery, rugs, fetishes, and kachinas. We buy directly from artists of the Navajo nation, Zuni pueblo, and surrounding area, and we wholesale …
Wholesale native crafts, craft supplies and jewelry. ... Jewelry / Accessories; Native Inspired Crafts; Shop by Themes. ... Tribal affiliation will be noted in the product description when products are made by Native Americans. Unless otherwise noted, products on this website are not produced by or the product of a particular Indian or indian ...
Native American Indian Jewelry. Necklaces & Pendants. Earrings. Inlay Jewelry. Bracelets for Men & Women. Old Pawn Jewelry. Rings. Opal Jewelry. Tommy Singer Jewelry.
In addition to Native American jewelry, Alltribes upholds the ancient traditions of Native Americans by offering more than remarkable jewelry. We offer a wide variety of Native American Cultural Art including authentic Hopi Kachina dolls, pueblo pottery, Navajo Wool Rugs, hand-dyed leather belts, dreamcatchers, tomahawks and other Southwestern ...
Wholesale Information. Wholesale Customer Information. The Wandering Bull, LLC offers wholesale pricing for most of our products. Wholesale customers can now order online. We can also process your Wholesale order via phone 1-800-430-2855, Fax 1-603-495-2757 or Email To register as a Wholesale Customer, please fill out our online form and attach a copy of your Resale …
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