In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about LOUIS ANTHONY JEWELERS SOUTH HILLS. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.
Our Commitment to Accessibility. Louis Anthony Jewelers is committed to making our website's content accessible and user friendly to everyone. If you are having difficulty viewing or navigating the content on this website, or notice any content, feature, or functionality that you believe is not fully accessible to people with disabilities, please call our Customer Service team at 412.854.0310 ...
May 14, 2020 · 1/10/2019. An outstanding Jeweler in the Southhills of Pittsburgh The Louis Anthony family have built a great business based on honesty integrity diverse high Quality items and first rate customer service I highly recommend this Business for jewelry watches and repairs. Ashley H.4.5/5(12)
Louis Anthony Jewelers is a family owned, full service retail jewelry store in the South Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. We offer a carefully chosen and undeniably stunning collection of jewelry, timepieces and giftware. We provide the kind of warm, familiar service that goes beyond knowing your name to knowing what’s on your personal wish list.
Louis Anthony Jewelers is a full service retail jewelry store in the South Hills area of Pittsburgh, PA. We offer a carefully chosen and undeniably stunning collection of jewelry, timepieces and gifts. Visit our website at www.louisanthony.comLocation: 1775 N Highland Rd, Pittsburgh, 15241, PA
Louis Anthony Jewelers. 1775 North Highland Road. Pittsburgh, PA 15241. Phone: 412.854.0310 . Store Hours. Monday - Saturday: 10 AM - 5:00 PM. Sunday: Closed We also remain at your disposal via email, text, and Facetime.
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