In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about LOTUS ARTS DE VIVRE JEWELRY. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.
Lotus Arts de Vivre Jewelry designs are based on the philosophy that during the medieval times in Europe one talked about Natura artifex, an idea that nature acts as a bridge between the world of ideal forms and the world of matter.
Lotus Arts de Vivre covers every aspect of elegant living, from jewelry, home décor , travel accessories, sunglasses, new and antique furniture.
Lotus Arts de Vivre Wood Blue Topaz Gold Ring. By Lotus Arts De Vivre. Located in Boca Raton, FL. An 18K yellow gold and wood ring set with a blue topaz. Crafted by Lotus Arts de Vivre, the ring is a size 6 and 17.8mm at the widest point. The weight of the ring is 15.4 grams.
Lotus Arts de Vivre Jewelry designs are based on the philosophy that during the medieval times in Europe one talked about Natura artifex, an idea that nature acts as a bridge between the world of ideal forms and the world of matter.
Wild Jungle Table with Silver Falcon, Cheetah & Horse. US$53,410.00. Shell Collection - Jewelry. Shells are masterpieces of nature of amazing beauty, with sinuous and elegant shapes and wonderful colours; they are sculptures that remain unchanged for a very long time. The outside part of the shell, covered with limestone and marine deposits ...
Every piece in Lotus' portfolio – Masterpieces, Jewelry, Home Décor, and Accessories – is handcrafted and tells our story. Lotus Arts de Vivre, being rooted in Asia, is highly inspired by nature and the culture and mythology of the region, making use of noted rare and auspicious naturally occuring materials, such as coconut shells, scarab wings, ebony and precious woods, sea shells, bamboo and teak to create …
As you wear it, express your individuality with the elegant creation from Lotus Arts de Vivre, ‘Colour of Splendour’ collection. Explore the collection on our website from 20th May onwards. …Followers: 6.3K
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