In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about LILEE ANNES JEWEL JAPANESE MAPLE. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.
Lilee Anne's Jewel has a stunning variegated leaf that is sure to attract attention in your landscape or garden. In spring, Lilee Anne's Jewel emerges with red and pink on the leaves. As summer progresses, Lilee Anne's Jewels leaves turn to a nice mix of burgundy, pink, white and green. Like several of the variegates, Lilee Anne's Jewel has leaves that curl like a sickle.
Apr 25, 2018 · Lil Anne’s Jewel Japanese Maple: Lil Anne’s Jewel Japanese maple is an exciting new variegated Japanese maple that everyone is talking about!The only problem is this beauty seems to have multiple names. We will defer to Jan and Kevin Kelly of Kellygreen Nursery in Drain , Oregon, and call it ‘Lil Anne’s Jewel’.Dimensions: 49 × 14 × 14 in
You can buy Acer palmatum 'Lileeanne's Jewel' Japanese maple online mail-order. Lileeanne's Jewel is a beautiful variegated red Japanese maple. A purchase of a Lileeanne's Jewel Japanese maple is a true investment in your yard! Acer palmatum 'Lileeanne's Jewel' is the Japanese maple for you. Buy this variegated red Japanese maple tree online with confidence at our online Japanese maple store.'s_Jewel
Japanese Maples. Acer palmatum 'Lileeanne's Jewel' A very sought-after Japanese Maple. Red leaves are splashed with pink and white. The variegation differs from leaf to leaf. Easy to grow and holds its variegation very well. Fast, upright growth habit.BEST COLOR: All season
Lileeanne’s Jewel is from Johnathon Savelich and is named after his daughter Lileeanne. This a moderate growing maple may reach 7′ tall and 5′ wide in 10 years. It grows in the classic ‘V’ or vase shape. Smaller branches that cross between the main trunks in …
Acer palmatum ‘Lileeanne's Jewel’VARIEGATED JAPANESE MAPLE. The gorgeous little 6-12' maple has spectacular variegated foliage that will stop you in your tracks! Spring finds this jewel covered bright-pink foliage. As the season progresses, the leaves begin to …Height Mature: 6-12 feet
Jul 19, 2021 · Acer palmatum dissectum 'Lilee Anne's Jewel' a stunning dwarf variegated lace leaf Japanese Maple. Spring colors emerge with red and pink molted throughout each leaf. As summer progresses, the leaves turn to a nice mix of burgundy, pink, white and green. Holds its variegation well.5/5(1)
Acer palmatum 'Lileeanne's Jewel' is a deciduous tree that is known for it's stunning winter interest bark. In the winter, the bark is a stunning bright yellow. Colors are much more prominent in colder climates. Gorgeous chartreuse leaves emerge in spring and darken through summer.
Lileeanne's Jewel JR'sMaples. Home. A variegated lace leaf maple with luscious pink and red colors in spring. As summer approaches the variegation goes to pink,red,green and white. This is a newer cultivar. Mature height is 5x4 in 10 years. Cold hardy to -10.
Jul 11, 2021 · Buy Acer palmatum Lileeannes Jewel Rare Red Variegated Japanese Maple.jpg File size: 248.8 KB Views: 425. Buy Acer palmatum Lileeannes Jewel Rare Variegated Japanese Maple.jpg File size: 378.4 KB Views: 405. timnichols, Nov 16, 2014 #1. maf Contributor Maple Society 10 Years. Messages: 1,554
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