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LeRoy Jewelers. 306 likes · 2 talking about this · 91 were here. Independent, family owned Custom Jewelers. We design, create, care for and repair. You aren't like anyone else. Your jewelry...5/5(8)
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Most popular LeRoy's Jewelers locations: Map: Show Map: 1 LeRoy's Jewelers. 394 Grand Central Mall, Parkersburg (304) 428-8247: 2 LeRoy's Jewelers. 4801 Outer Loop # 336, Butchertown, Louisville ...
A gift of jewelry from Leroy's Jewelers is the perfect way to show how you feel. Diamond engagement rings are LeRoy’s Jewelers’ specialty. The Leo Diamonds top the list as our exclusive designers and top seller. Trust LeRoy’s Jewelers to provide you with the best diamond engagement rings, wedding rings, wedding bands, diamonds, gemstones, and jewelry available today.
Kay Jewelers has you covered with our Gift Hub filled with gift guides that cater to all different important events to help narrow down the right gift idea. No matter if you're celebrating a first anniversary or a 25 year anniversary, a wedding anniversary gift is always cherished and appreciated.
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