In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about LAM MING KAI JEWELLERY DESIGN. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.
LAM MING KAI JEWELLERY DESIGN PTE LTD (the "Company") The Company is a EXEMPT PRIVATE COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES and it's current status is Live Company. The company was registered / incorporated on 13 July 1996 (Saturday), 24 years ago with a paid up capital of $300,000
LAM MING KAI JEWELLERY DESIGN was incorporated on 9 December 1992 (Wednesday) as a Partnership in Singapore. The Partnership current operating status is terminated with registered address The Partnership principal activity is in WHOLESALE OF JEWELLERY MADE FROM PRECIOUS METALS AND STONES.
Free and open company data on Singapore company LAM MING KAI JEWELLERY DESIGN PTE LTD (company number 199605159D), 304 ORCHARD ROAD #01-76 LUCKY PLAZA, 238863
LAM MING KAI JEWELLERY DESIGN PTE LTD . This is the detailed information about LAM MING KAI JEWELLERY DESIGN PTE LTD, including issuance agency id, entity type, UEN issue date, former name, etc. Unique Entity Number: 199605159D. Issuance Agency Id: ACRA (Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority)
LAM MING KAI JEWELLERY DESIGN PTE LTD(199605159D) is a Singapore business with registered business address at 304 ORCHARD ROAD, 1-76, LUCKY PLAZA, Singapore 238863. They specialise in the area of MANUFACTURE OF JEWELLERY EXCEPT COSTUME JEWELLERY and WHOLESALE OF JEWELLERY MADE FROM PRECIOUS METALS AND STONES.
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