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Under the FTC rules, it is unfair or deceptive to misrepresent the type, kind, grade, quality, quantity, metallic content, size, weight, cut, color, character, treatment, substance, durability, serviceability, origin, price, value, preparation, production, manufacture, distribution, or any …
California enacted the Lead-Containing Jewelry Law (now called the Metal-Containing Jewelry law) to limit the amount of lead in jewelry, including children’s jewelry and body piercing jewelry.
The Metal-Containing Jewelry Law regulates the levels of lead and cadmium in jewelry in California by specifying both materials that can be used and restrictions on lead and cadmium in the materials and the jewelry. Please refer to the attached table of materials for an explanation of Class 1, 2, and 3 materials. Specific requirements for children’s jewelry, body-piercing jewelry, and adult jewelry are described …
Oct 14, 2019 · According to the definitions in the new law, jewelry means any of the following ornaments worn by a person: An anklet, arm cuff, bracelet, brooch, chain, crown, cuff link, hair accessory, earring, necklace, pin, ring, tie clip, body piercing jewelry, jewelry placed in the mouth for display or ornament
California Proposition 65 Jewelry Law December 05, 2016 California has enacted new laws regarding the sale of retail jewelry in that state. Many other states are following suit and national chains and retailers are requiring for jewelry goods to comply with California law.
A child, as defined by the law is anyone under the age of twelve, and children’s jewelry is defined as any jewelry: Represented in its packaging, display, or advertising, as appropriate for use by children
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