In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about JEWELER GENERATE GEMSPEC. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.
Jeweler provides a generator, jeweler. It requires only one argument, the name of a repo you want to create. It also takes a few options: –shoulda: generate shoulda-based tests (this is the default) –bacon: generate bacon-based tests –summary SUMMARY: specify the summary to use –create-repo: create the repo on GitHub and enable rubygems for it
Regenerate the gemspec with rake gemspec; git add and git commit the executable and gemspec; Notice that we don’t actually touch the Rakefile to update the gemspec Jeweler::Tasks. Under the hood, Jeweler checks the bin directory and populates the executables section of the gemspec accordingly. An example binary. Let’s use the jeweler binary as a template. A few goals I have are:
Aug 19, 2009 · export JEWELER_OPTS="--rspec" Gemspec. Jeweler handles generating a gemspec file for your project: rake gemspec This creates a gemspec for your project. It's based on the info you give Jeweler::Tasks, the current version of your project, and some defaults that Jeweler provides. Gem. Jeweler gives you tasks for building and installing your gem:
Dec 04, 2010 · Jeweler has alot more options to work with and many helpful rake tasks for versioning, pushing to github, creating the gemspec, building and installing. If you are working with Rails 3 engines, I have a Jeweler fork (definitely a work-in-progress) that will generate …
Oct 12, 2009 · Install it with: sudo gem install jeweler -s" end. uniquify.gemspec. Gem :: Specification .new do s = "uniquify" s.version = "1.0.0" = "Ryan Bates" = "[email protected]" s.homepage = "" s.summary = "Generate a unique token with Active Record."
Opinionated tool for creating and managing Rubygem projects - bitcababy/jeweler
Opinionated tool for creating and managing Rubygem projects - appoxy/jeweler
This will create an unpushed commit for the bump. If the rake task doesn't exist, you are probably defining the gem version in the Rakefile instead of in VERSION. Change this. Say rake release. This will do many things for you: Generate GEMNAME.gemspec and commit it; Push commits to the repo; Add and push a tag like "v0.1.0" to the repo
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