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Company information, business information, directors/partners details and director/partners contact information of JADAU JEWELLERS AND MANUFACTURERS PRIVATE LIMITED
Jadau Jewellers & Manufacturers Pvt Ltd. Address - B-1, Trimurti Circle, Govind Marg. Jaipur Rajasthan , 302004. (0141) 4104111 4104112. Industry. Gems , Jewellery , Watches.
We had introduced our Manufacturing unit in Bikaner (Rajasthan), which is now considered as the hub of jadau jewellery. Jadau jewellery is basically a technique of jewellery manufacturing where precious stones like uncut diamonds (polki), pearls, rubies and emeralds are studded into kundan to provide you a perfect jewellery for your loved ones . We are the intermediator for loved ones Since 1996 .
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Jadau Jewellery - Satyanarayan J Jadia & Sons Jewellers Pvt Ltd. Jadau Jewellery. Jadau Jewellery. Kundan, the ancient name given to the purest variety of gold which is fully purified in fire, and the foils of it were set as the base to hold the gem firmly in its place. Later the …
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