In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about IMOGENE AND WILLIE JEWELRY. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.
vintage "horseshoe" turquoise ring. 425.00 SOLD. vintage "tonalea" turquoise ring. 305.00 SOLD. vintage "toreva" turquoise ring. 58.00 RETURNING SOON. west african bone beads. 365.00 SOLD. vintage "aynshe" zuni cuff.
an archive of what once was, the items listed below have all sold. always on the hunt for the perfect piece, we announce new one of a kind products weekly and they go quick. the early bird gets the worm first dibs. subscribe to our newsletter below.
willie indigo rigid jp. 13.5oz Nihon Menpu selvage denim. barton slim draper. 14oz Vidalia Mills selvage denim. the "nice" tee. ... jewelry. accessories. feature. custom chainstitch. the plus candle. new arrivals. under $50. gift card . SALE. wyatt montrose. mid/high rise raw hem, 14.75oz Cone Mills denim.
the plus candle no. 2 (white) 68.00. the “bolt” tee in ventura orange. XXS XS S M L XL XXL. committed to making. everything in the usa. while we watch more and more companies move overseas to make their clothes cheaper and faster, we remain steadfast and stubbornly committed to making all of our clothing here in the united states of america.
imogene + willie · vintage flower bead necklace. vintage flower bead necklace. $32.00. available for orders over $35 ⓘ. add to bag adding to bag RETURNING SOON. THIS ITEM IS RETURNING SOON... submit. THIS 1/1 ITEM HAS SOLD. submit.
imogene + willie · vintage baya bead necklace. vintage baya bead necklace. $42.00. or 4 interest-free installments of $10.50 by ⓘ. add to bag adding to bag RETURNING SOON. THIS ITEM IS RETURNING SOON... submit. THIS 1/1 ITEM HAS SOLD. submit.
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