In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about HOW MUCH CAN I SELL GOLD JEWELRY FOR. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.
If you're selling Gold Jewelry, a reasonable settlement would be 70% to 80% of the market value. If you're selling Gold Coins a reasonable settlement would be 90% of the market value. If you are near The Los Angeles area, National Gold Market is located in Pasadena, California. They pay 75% to 80% for Gold Jewelry and 90% for Gold Coins.
Don’t expect a jeweler to pay for your old items as much as they cost you when you bought them new, even if you sell them to the same store you purchased them at. Usually, the best price you could hope for will be no more than 20% of the original price you paid. In …
Gold Necklace. $362.51 12.3 dwt, 14k. We paid out. $362.51. Get a FREE appraisal. Are you wondering, “How much is my gold necklace worth?”. Trade your old or unwanted necklaces today. In addition to gold necklaces, we accept silver and platinum jewelry as well.4.9/5(125)
The idea of Fair Market Value can seem a bit abstract, so let’s put this example in more manageable terms. Let’s assume that Joe bought a diamond ring for $5,000. Before sales tax the price is $4,500. Reselling the ring to a reputable trade contact/company would generally bring in a price of between $1,500 and $2,500.
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