In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about HAWAIIAN JEWELERS ASSOCIATION. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.
The Hawaii Jewelers Association (HJA) Online Store is a marketplace where HJA members are selling selected items online with special pricing.
HJA Retail Members are businesses with store-fronts or an online presence that retail jewelry directly to consumers. These are professional and trustworthy jewelry experts, the ultimate source for all your fine jewelry needs. Locate a HJA Retailer via Google Maps
As a responsible trade organization, Hawaii Jewelers Association does its utmost to adhere to strict business policies that enables clients feel safe that they are purchasing from an esteemed jewel merchant in the Aloha State.
Established in 1949, Hawaii Jewelers Association is Hawaii’s non-profit organization devoted to serv...5/5
Aloha. I'm Jim Zittnan, the owner of Koalition Grillz, LLC. I started my business with a vision. After a 5 year incarceration, I was determined to stay positive, be …
The Hawaii Jewelers Association (HJA) holds a Design Contest annually which showcases the incredible designs of Hawaii's jewelry professionals. Held concurrently with the Annual Fundraiser Banquet, this nationally and internationally recognized design contest is open to HJA members.
The Hawaii Jewelers Association logo has been updated. The design contest for the logo closed on October 31st and your Board of Directors voted on November 11th to adopt a new logo from the 6 submissions (and also considered keeping the old logo). The new logo is really an update to the logo the HJA has used since its founding in 1949.
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