In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about HANG YUEN JEWELLERY LIMITED. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.
Hang Yuen Jewellery Limited was incorporated on 2013/10/10 as a Private company limited by shares registered in Hong Kong. It's company registration number is: 1978682. The date of annual examination for this private company limited is between Oct 10 and Nov 20 upon the anniversary of incorporation.
Yuen Hang (HK) Jewellery Co., Limited 元亨(香港)珠寶首飾有限公司 is a Hong Kong company incorporated on 06 March 2019. It is a private company limited by shares . Contact details4/5(1)
HANG TAI YUEN JEWELLERY COMPANY LIMITED 恒泰元珠寶有限公司 was a Hong Kong company incorporated on 25 November 1986 and was dissolved on 17 January 1997 after 3706 days. It was a private company limited by shares .3.8/5(4)
HANG TAI YUEN JEWELLERY COMPANY LIMITED (恒泰元珠寶有限公司) is a company incorporated on 1986-11-25 in Hong Kong. It's general status is Dissolved. HANG TAI YUEN JEWELLERY COMPANY LIMITED on the map
HANG TAI YUEN JEWELLERY COMPANY LIMITED. HANG TAI YUEN JEWELLERY COMPANY LIMITED was incorporated on 25-11-1986. This company is now Dissolved. Their business is recorded as Private company limited by shares.As so far this company has running for 34 year(s) 199 days.
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