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Contact Information. For order related and general enquiries, our customer experience team can be contacted on 0800-085-8250 during the following times: Alternatively, you can also email us at [email protected]. If you would like to provide us with general feedback, perhaps in relation to a recent visit or order, please email ...
Goldsmiths is part of The Watches of Switzerland Group Limited, the largest prestige and luxury jewellers in the UK which also includes Mappin & Webb, Watches of Switzerland and WatchShop within its portfolio.. The Watches of Switzerland Group Limited is the largest distributor in the world of luxury brands such as Omega, TAG Heuer and Gucci and the UK's largest distributor for Rolex, Cartier ...
Goldsmiths Jewellers 49 followers on LinkedIn.
Practical training takes place under the supervision of qualified jewellers / goldsmiths. Final examination: a compulsory trade test set by the Department of Labour to qualify as an artisan Short part-time courses in Jewellery Design and Manufacture are offered by privately run operations.
Goldsmiths is a trading name of Watches of Switzerland Company Limited. Registered Office: Aurum House, 2 Elland Road, Braunstone, Leicester, LE3 1TT, Registered in England and Wales, Company number 00146087.
For information about our Estates and Facilities, call +44 (0)20 7919 7121. Goldsmiths Security is in operation 24 hours a day, seven days a week for your protection. If there is an emergency please contact +44 (0)20 7919 7105. Student accommodation: +44 (0)20 7919 7192 / accommodation (
Inside the department. Help with applying. Finding jobs, filling out the application form and doing well at the interview ... Who to contact in Human Resources for further help and advice. Moving to the UK . Setting up a bank account, finding somewhere to live and organising childcare . Page content. About us. Goldsmiths: a close-knit community ...
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