In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about GEETANJALI JEWELLERS CHANDIGARH. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.
Contact Information. Name: Gitanjali Jewels Phone: (0172) 4683939 , 9988886632 , 9815964732, (0172) 5073939 Email: [email protected] Services by Gitanjali Jewels: Gitanjali Jewels , Manimajra , Chandigarh Jewellery Shops SCO-39, National Advisory Council, Chandigarh Kalka Highway , Manimajra , Chandigarh - 160022
Jewellery Shops : gitanjali jewellery in chandigarh Chandigarh - Gitanjali Jewels Sector 22-D, Gitanjali Jewellers Manimajra, Gitanjali Sector 22-D, Gitanjali Jewels Manimajra,. Get address, phone, reviews at AskLaila.
SCO 39, NAC, Chandigarh Kalka Highway, Chandigarh 01725073939 9316888805 Gitanjali Jewels , Jewellers , Gitanjali Necklace , Geetanjali Earrings , Gitanjali Pendants , Gold Coins
Gitanjali Jewels, Sec 22 Chandigarh, Chandigarh, India. Specialized in Semi Precious Stones, Kundan And Pearl Jewelry, Gold And Diamond Jewelry, Bridal Jewelry - 31582.
Looking to find something truly unique? We are innovative fine jewellery shop, we’re talking about new tools and techniques. But innovation isn’t exclusively about technology: it’s about the way technology is used. We are always turning belongings in your imaginative visionary. Wearing jewellery is a perfect way to accent any outfit.
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