In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about FRENCH COSTUME JEWELRY WHOLESALE. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.
From a collection of 534 items, the cheapest wholesale marketplace, DHgate, is providing even cheaper rates by giving you excellent discounts for french fashion jewelry. Now you can buy all kinds of fashion jewelry, and jewelry fashion italy at the most affordable rates.
Our wholesale costume jewelry showroom is located at 117 rue du temple 75003 Paris - France. Bi&Jou is exclusively reserved for fashion professional resellers, the minimum order is 150€ (VAT excl). You are in public mode, sign up or log in to view the whole collection of costume jewellery and fashion accessories, prices and special offers.
French Kande is a vintage forward® jewelry line created by indie designer Kande Hall. Her collections feature stunning, vintage French medallions from the 1960's that she discovered during her travels throughout France. Gifted to their best customers as a token of appreciation by local businesses, each medallion is a story waiting to be told.
Jewellery Les Néréides perfume and online jewellery. Les Néréides was founded in Nice, in 1980 by Pascale and Enzo Amaddeo and offers unique costume jewelries for women. Its rings, earrings, necklaces and bangles or cuff bracelets provide an elegant and refined feminine flair. Inspired by Nature and in particular the animals, the flowers ...5/5(5)
French Fashion Wholesale Jewelry Mini Hearts Embellished Alloy Women Hoop Earrings - Yellow. One-stop Wholesale Fashion Jewelry. Currency : € ...
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