In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about ERNST ERSTWHILE JEWELRY. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.
By Erstwhile engagement rings are hand crafted in New York City using antique diamond cuts in recycled metals, a fully sustainable and eco-friendly collection. Our diamonds are better than conflict-free – they are up-cycled having been mined over 100 years ago.
in stock by erstwhile Classic Old European Cut Six-Prong Solitaire 1.18 $11,800. in stock vintage Mid-Century 1.01 Carat Rose-Cut Diamond Engagement Ring $10,000. in stock vintage Victorian 1.02 Carat Old European Cut Diamond Solitaire Engagement Ring $8,000. in stock by erstwhile Ever 1.03 $14,750.
Shop solitaire engagement rings from our vintage and handcrafted by Erstwhile collections featuring antique diamonds in classic solitaire mountings in gold and platinum.
At Erstwilder we’re all about keeping your outfits extraordinary and your days dandy. Our super quirky, collectible and limited-run adornments include scarves, necklaces and earrings, though we must admit we’ve become rather famous for our resin brooches and lucky dips!
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