In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about DONATE JEWELRY TO CHARITY. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.
When you want to donate your jewelry through Helping Hands of America, all your personal information is held in strict confidence and is the sole property of the charity. This beats broadcasting your telephone number or address to the public where thousands of people can view it.
When you donate jewelry, your charitable contribution can help our charity provide and cater to families and individuals who have reached out to our organization in their time of need. With the stressful economy and many people struggling, we strive to lend a helping hand to those who are facing hardships throughout communities nationwide.
Donate jewelry to charity! Donate a watch, rings, scrap gold, gemstones, broken jewelry or broken gold chains to Collectibles with Causes charity and enjoy a Fair …
A Powerful New Program for Donating Gold and Silver. Jewelry for Good offers you a simple, two-step process for donors to give their unwanted precious metals to the charity of their choice. Your nonprofit receives the cash proceeds. Read More →
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