In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about DOES REEDS BUY BACK JEWELRY. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.
For your convenience, most purchases can also be returned or exchanged at any of our store locations. To return or exchange an item at a REEDS Jewelers store, simply bring it in along with the original packaging and paperwork, and one of our expert associates will be happy to assist you.
About Reeds Jewelers. Reeds Jewelers was founded in 1912 in Niagara Falls, New York. Grown from modest beginnings at 1931 Main Street, the Zimmer family has continued to own and operate the company for the past four generations. +1 800 733 3724. Email Us
About REEDS. REEDS Jewelers is a family-owned jewelry retailer founded in 1946 by Bill and Roberta Zimmer. Its headquarters are still located in North Carolina, where the couple opened the first-ever REEDS location. Since then, REEDS has expanded significantly. Today, the retail chain operates both online and in-store.
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