In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about D&D RANDOM JEWELRY GENERATOR. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.

D&D Random Jewelry Generator - Starco Jewellers
    Jewelry name generator This name generator will give you 10 random names for various kinds of jewelry like necklaces, bracelets, rings and more. Jewelry isn't named very often in real life. Gems for Dungeons and Dragons Dungeon Master Assistance

d30 Random Jewelry Generator - Frugal GM d30 Tables ...
    Apr 01, 2016 · This download is a series of tables to generate some random jewelry. There are two options for determining the value of the jewelry and either methodolgy should work well for any OSR game. This table exists just to add a little color to the game and to show a bit of love for the venerable d30. In a pinch you could substitute the d30 rolls with ...4/5(1)

PBE Games: Gemstone Generator
    This generator creates random gemstone descriptions to add some color to typical treasures recovered by adventurers. To use, select the base value of the gemstones desired and push the button. The generator will take care of the rest, creating a selection of gems based on the starting value selected. The generator is very loosely based on the ...

donjon; d20 Random Treasure Generator
    Generate "more random" numbers of coins. Trade: none 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%. of coins for miscellaneous salvage. Valuables: Gems Art Objects. Items: Magic Items Psionic Items Chaositech Items. Magic:Chaositech: * Armor Weapons Elixirs Devices

Random Magic Ring Generator
    The ring has a caster level of 6. LEGENDARY MAGICAL RING: (requires attunement) The ring is made of stone and bears the emblem of a neighboring kingdom. The ring allows the wearer to trigger a Resurrection spell once per day. The wearer is also completely immune to the effects of that same spell. Generate new magic ring properties.

You've looked at the most informative D&D RANDOM JEWELRY GENERATOR links. On our site you can also find a lot of other information related to jewelry.