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located in Damanhur Home of the Temples of Humankind As a result of over 40 years of research into "SELFICA" technology, the master jewelers of the Oro Crea laboratory hand craft some of the most unique jewelry pieces in the world.
Anklet for Circulation - Damanhur Selfica Jewelry. Supports proper blood circulation in the lower limbs, alleviating heaviness and stiffness; Helps to lessen swelling and tone up the legs. Should be worn around the ankle. It can be worn both day and night. This Self is intended for personal use, and will not be effective if shared.
At Damanhur this feast is celebrated in honor of the GOOD HORUS "THE GOD OF LIGHT" DAMANHUR MEANS THE CITY OF LIGHT For this feast of renewal Oro Crea wants to celebrate this feast by proposing a special and very powerful pendant LIFE FALCON PENDANT5/5(2)
I Templi dell’Umanità a Damanhur sono uno strumento di guarigione planetaria, un’antenna per il grande risveglio individuale e collettivo. Qualunque sia la tua Missione, puoi collegarti alle Energie Spirituali pure a cui abbiamo accesso per attingere a nuova forza. Entra in una nuova Linea di Tempo! Siamo aperti!
Selfic jewelry pieces. are friends that help you make your dreams come true. Selfic jewelry pieces. are keys to activate your divine spark. Selfic jewelry pieces. transmit and spread high energy frequencies. Selfic jewelry pieces. enrich your daily life with meaning. Wearing Beauty.
The Temples of Humankind in Damanhur are a planetary healing tool, an antenna for individual and collective awakening. Whatever your Mission is, you can connect to the pure Spiritual Energies we have access to, and tap into a new strength. Enter a new Timeline! We …
Homepage - Damanhur Welcome Center. Connecting dreams for 46 years, experience the power of a Living Lab for the Future Explore a Mystical Philosophy, & the art of Practical Transformation Align your body to the Radiance of the Soul, experiment with our research in well-being. Enter a world of endless possibilities Make life sacred again.
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