In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about COTTON JEWELERS GLOVES. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.
Cotton Jewelry-Handling Gloves, Large. Item #: 337071. Tweet. $7.45. priced per pack of 24. In stock.
The latex and cotton gloves can provide additional gripping ability and will protect your hands and fingers from chemicals you might be working with as well as protect the jewelry or watch from getting the oil from your skin on the delicate moving parts. Handy when working with gemstones and other pieces of jewelry that might smudge or smear from a fingerprint, you can ensure each piece of jewelry is presented perfectly clean at the end of any repair with help from these gloves.
If you're looking for a mid-to-heavy weight cotton knit glove, jeweler's gloves aren't for you; they will always be a thinner knit glove to allow for easy handling of jewelry. As a gemologist who worked in retail jewelry, I can tell you that these gloves are actually slightly heavier and better quality than most.4.2/5(16)
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