In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about CARATI JEWELLERY LEBANON. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.

Carati Jewellery Sal Lebanon - Starco Jewellers
    Established in 1998, Carati Jewellery S.A.L is a prestigious multinational company dedicated to the design, manufacturing and marketing of Carati Paris ® jewellery products. Initially established as a manufacturing entity Carati Paris ®, diversified its operation, in 2002, into the development of brands and retail concepts, leading to the ...

    <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,28,0" name ...

Carati Jewellery s.a.l Company Profile - AroundDeal - B2B ...
    Carati Jewellery S.A.L is currently present in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Akaba, Bahrain and the United States and operates a chain of 12 shops. Franchising program: Starting 2008, we have structured a franchising program, providing retail professionals with the opportunity to be part of the international expansion and success of the brand.

Carati Paris - Home Facebook
    Carati Paris, Bayâda, Lebanon. 1,155 likes. Carati...Fulfilling your diamond dream

    CARATI. Established in 1998, Carati is a prestigious multinational company, dedicated to the design, manufacturing and marketing of the Carati jewelry. Carati Paris chose to perform from the Mediterranean coast fulfilling its mission towards the five continents. At Carati, our mission is to create a blend between a quality product in a ...

Carati Jeweller
    Carati Jeweller is a respected jeweller in both Australia and New Zealand, offering customers individual jewellery along with some of the world’s finest brands such as …

Carati Jewellery Sal, Carati Building, Main Roa...
    Activities: Manufacturers & retailers of jewellery. Branches: POS ABC Mall, Highway, Dbayeh (Metn) Tel.+961-4-402829 Associated Co.: Carati Jewellery Inc U.S.A. Carati Distribution France Carati Spain S.L Spain Board of directors:

Carati Paris - Jewelry - Business Review - Downtown ...
    Initially established as a manufacturing entity Carati Paris ®, diversified its operation ,in 2002, into the development of brands and retail concepts, leading to the inauguration, in 2005, of its first outlet in Lebanon followed by several expansion plans and business ventures at an international scale and in a multitude of markets especially Europe, the United States and the Middle East.

Carati Jewelry Arabia Weddings
    Carati Jewelry - Jewelry - Lebanon. Your Comprehensive COVID19 Wedding Guide. Search

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