In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about BALLOU JEWELRY BY TRU-KAY. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.
This is a brand page for the BALLOU JEWELRY trademark by TRU-KAY MANUFACTURING CO., INC. in LINCOLN, RI, 02865. Write a review about a product or service associated with this BALLOU JEWELRY trademark. Or, contact the owner
Ballou Jewelry was registered on Tuesday, November 27, 2007 and is currently owned by Tru-Kay Manufacturing Co., Inc. under the registration number 3342698 . This mark is dead with a status of Cancelled - Section 8. The last case file activity for this mark occured 7 years ago on Friday, July 4, 2014, according to the United State Patent &; Trademark Office
BALLOU JEWELRY is a trademark of TRU-KAY MANUFACTURING CO., INC.. Filed in November 28 (2006), the BALLOU JEWELRY covers Jewelry
Tru-Kay 12KT Gold Filled Heart Faux Pearl Wreath Brooch, Tru-Kay Brooch, Tru-kay Jewelry, Heart Brooch, Heart Wreath, Heart Jewelry AlicallyFinds 5 out of 5 stars (249) $ 10.00. Add to Favorites Vintage Tru-kay Signed 1/20 12 kt Gold Filled Rhinestone Brooch Pendant Costume Jewelry Retro Statement Pin Leaf Filigree Green Clear TK ...
Manufacturer and designer of gold and silver jewelry. The company manufactures 14K, gold fitted and sterling silver lockets, religious and children's jewelry and the Ballou by Tru-Kay collection.
Jan 16, 2009 · Tru-Kay, based in Lincoln, R.I., will continue producing all its products for such distribution, which include lockets, religious, children’s jewelry, and the Ballou by Tru-Kay collection, and will continue to focus on gold, gold-filled, and silver.
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