In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about BALI SILVER WHOLESALE JEWELRY. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.
You can check out all of the different types of Bali Silver Jewelry Wholesale we sell – rings, bracelets, pendants, necklaces, chains, bangles, earrings etc and our Wholesale Buyers Private Label Services and more by clicking on our Silver Jewelry Catalog on the side bar. Silver jewelry wholesale …
Letung specializes in production and export of handcrafted Bali silver jewelry including :Silver rings, Silver earrings, Silver pendants, Silver bracelets, , and our new line Shell and silver Jewelry. Letung Silver also will be glad to produce custom designs that allow our customers to have more options to adapt their business’s nature by providing them customisation of special order based on customer request …
Bali Quality Silver - We Produce and Wholesale Handcrafted Bali Silver Jewelry and Beads, Direct from Bali.
Exclusive Designs We design all of our own silver jewelry at our factory in Bali, Indonesia. Although we produce our silver jewelry in Bali, we have our own exclusive style of designing which is quite different from the normal Balinese ethnic sterling silver jewelry found in the jewelry market today.
Bali silver jewelry wholesale collection is one of the unique jewelry lines that we have to offer customers. Only few places in the world possess the power to enchant people with their art of making jewelry. That’s why, with its unique production technique, Bali jewelry distinguish itself from the rest.
“Peace, Love & Coconuts…and a passion for Jewelry” We offer unique authentic Balinese silver jewelry: production, wholesale, export, wax carving, casting, custom design, handmade craftsmanship. We have a jewelry collection of more than 2000 styles, and our own factory and showroom on Bali.
Ubud Silver Bali Handmade Balinese Jewelry Wholesalers Over 200 models of silver jewelry handmade in Bali by skilled artisans.
Bali silver jewelry findings manufacturer. Also wholesale gold plated sterling silver beads and jewelry findings & accept custom order manufacturing since 2001.
English speaking customer support only. Toll Free - USA & Canada only: 1-800-464-1640. International: +66-39303404
Since 1997, MyUS has shipped millions of packages from the USA to more than 220 countries and territories. We are the experts in exporting goods from the United States to Australia, Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, the UK, France, Brazil, Canada and just about everywhere in between. See how low shipping rates from the US can be! Weight.
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