In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about ANTIQUE CAMEOS CAMEO JEWELRY CAMEO. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.
Welcome to our gallery of Antique Cameos where you will find hundreds of cameos from all over the world. We have many types of cameo jewelry here on Most of these cameos, but not all, are carved from shell found in the Caribbean. And most were carved in Italy. Many of these shell cameos are original and designed by jewelry designers with handcrafted settings in gold or silver.
Welcome to our gallery of Antique Cameos where you will find hundreds of cameos from all over the world. We have many types of cameo jewelry here on Most of these cameos, but not all, are carved from shell found in the Caribbean. And most were carved in Italy. Many of these shell cameos are original and designed by jewelry designers with handcrafted settings in gold or silver.
Collecting, Buying, and Selling antique cameos is a family business since 1987. As a professional jewelry designer we know what cameo collectors and vintage jewelry buyers are looking for and we can deliver them directly to you at the lowest price possible. VISIT OUR CAMEO SHOP - CAMEOJEWELRY.COM - CLICK HERE Preston Reuther, King of Cameos - Offers Antique Jewelry, Estate Jewelry and Vintage Jewelry plus Cameo Jewelry, Wedgewood, cameo necklace, cameo rings and handmade jewelry. - Offers Antique Jewelry, Estate Jewelry and Vintage Jewelry plus Cameo Jewelry, Wedgewood, cameo necklace, cameo rings and handmade jewelry.
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