In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about ACER PALMATUM LILEE ANNES JEWEL. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.

Acer palmatum Lileeanne's Jewel ⋆ Eastfork Nursery
    Jan 17, 2020 · Acer palmatum Lileeanne’s Jewel is a stunning variegated dwarf cultivar. Light to medium colored burgundy leaves are splashed with pink, lavender and white color. The fall color is scarlet red with pink highlights. Variegated maples require sunlight to display their summer color.Offer Count: 3

Buy Acer palmatum 'Lileeanne's Jewel' Japanese Maple – Mr ...
    Acer palmatum 'Lileeanne's Jewel' is a brand new introduction with a rare variegation of pink and white on a bright cherry red and heavily divided leaf. Mid-summer colors are a green-red with pink and white variegation. It is estimated to get about 10-12 feet in 15 years. Fall colors are crimson reds infused with hot pink variegation.

Lil Anne's Jewel Japanese Maple - Garden Design Nursery
    Apr 25, 2018 · While Acer palmatum ‘Rainbow’ can certainly have its moment, carries the stunning variegation throughout the year. Here at Garden Design Nursery, we have not seen any reversion on ‘Lil Anne’s Jewel’. Woo-hoo! Lil Anne’s Jewel Japanese maple is a vigorous grower, and is estimated to reach a mature size of 10 to 12 feet tall in the landscape.Dimensions: 49 × 14 × 14 in

Acer Palmatum - Lileeanne's Jewel Buy Trees Online ...
    The gorgeous little 6-12' maple has spectacular variegated foliage that will stop you in your tracks! Spring finds this jewel covered bright-pink foliage. As the season progresses, the leaves begin to show a breathtaking striping in shades of rose to claret. Finely-cut leaves that curl like a sickle; this cultivar holds its variegation well.Height Mature: 6-12 feet

Acer palmatum 'Lileeanne’s Jewel', Dwarf Japanese Maple ...
    Acer palmatum 'Lileeanne’s Jewel', Dwarf Japanese Maple. Sale Regular price $28.50 ($24.50 at nursery) 10 estimated available Size. Quantity. Add to Cart Click here for more info about our plant & pot sizes. Deeply dissected burgundy leaves splashed with pink, mauve, & white! ...

Acer palmatum 'Lileeanne's Jewel' Acer palmatum 'Lil ...
    Emerging sickle-shaped leaves are red and pink maturing to a mixture of burgundy pink green and white. Originated at Del Louck's nursery in Oregon. Still rare in the trade.

Acer palmatum dissectum 'Lilee Anne's Jewel' Cutleaf ...
    Jul 19, 2021 · Acer palmatum dissectum 'Lilee Anne's Jewel' a stunning dwarf variegated lace leaf Japanese Maple. Spring colors emerge with red and pink molted throughout each leaf. As summer progresses, the leaves turn to a nice mix of burgundy, pink, white and green. Holds its variegation well.

Japanese Maples - Acer palmatum 'Lileeanne's Jewel'
    Acer palmatum 'Lileeanne's Jewel' is a new introduction that has deeply divided cherry red leaves with pink and white variegation in the spring. 'Lileeanne's Jewel' was discovered as a seedling in Oregon, USA. Being a new cultivar, specifications and growth habits are yet to be known.

Acer palmatum 'Lileeanne's Jewel' UBC Botanical Garden ...
    Jul 11, 2021 · Acer palmatum 'Lileeanne's Jewel' was found as a chance seedling by Johnathon Savelich, named after his daughter Lileeanne. It appears to be one of the most stable red uprights with this style of …

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