In one click, you will find all the information you are interested in about 585 JEWELRY MARKING. We have collected the most complete and diverse information for you.
The marking 585 means no more than 585 out of 1000 parts are made of pure gold. That means 58.5 % of a piece with a 585 marking contains pure gold, also called fine gold. Basically it’s 14 karat gold. Some jewelry is even marked with both stamps: a 585 …
Jul 23, 2021 · If, for example, your gold necklace is marked as 585 or 14K, you know that means 14 Karat gold. Sometimes, that mark may be followed by other letters and numbers. However, those won't have any bearing on the actual gold content, and their meaning is simply a matter of curiosity. The item's purity has already been established by the first marking.Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins
Mar 27, 2020 · The number 585 is stamped on European gold jewelry to indicate that the jewelry contains 58.5 percent gold. This is comparable to the U.S. 14K marking that indicates that a piece contains 14 parts gold and 10 parts of one or more different metals, which means that it is 58.3 percent gold.Estimated Reading Time: 1 min
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